Monday, September 8, 2008

Back on track

Duration: 41:40
Distance: 4.0mi

My running friend Kirsten is an amazing inspiration. She's been so dedicated to eating healthy and keeping up with the runs, and SHOWS. She looks incredible. As for myself, I have only gone up a size in the same amount of time that she's lost two. If that doesn't inspire me, I'm not sure what will.

I started today by dragging myself off the couch at 6am to get in four miles before work. I also cooked a healthy spinach and chicken italian sausage fiber-filled pasta meal for lunch, pirate booty and broccoli (not to be eaten together!) for snacks, and I'm having oatmeal for breakfast.

Please, please, please let me stay motivated. I need my clothes to fit. :(

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good girl! I started up this weekend did a great time in your 10K. I am impressed!