Sunday, September 7, 2008

Aflac Iron Girl 10K

Duration: 1:07:26
Distance: 6.2mi
*update* Rank: 54 out of 67

Slacking is a polite way to describe my running habits lately, so it was good to kick off the week with this 10k with Kirsten. We didn't stop once! I couldn't have done it without her.

Kirsten let me know that two weeks from now, we are scheduled to run 10 miles with Seattle Fit. Oy. Looks like I need to keep up with my runs from here on out!

*update* I was feeling good for not stopping the whole time, but look at that age-group rank (ages 20-24)! It stinks!

1 comment:

Aaron or Kirsten said...

If we ran as fast for the first lap as we did for the second our time would have been about 55 min. Which would put us in 179th place out of 712. WE ROCK! Or at least we could have. Yeah, potential us!!!