Sunday, July 20, 2008

134 Days

I didn't run today, but since I walked 8 miles and kayaked for an hour, I figure it's worth mentioning!

I couldn't sleep, so I got out of bed at 3am, was knocking on the door at Starbucks at 6am and was the first person at Moss Bay on Lake Union to rent a kayak at 8am. I kayaked from the rental center over to the filling station on the lake (almost to Fremont) and back in an hour. It doesn't look like a far distance, but it felt like 50 miles at the time. I really need to work up my strength (and my hands...I have a blister on each one!).

It was a 3 mile round-trip walk to the lake, then another mile to catch the bus on 99 to meet Elizabeth at Greenlake. Venti iced teas in hand, we walked the 3-mile loop and then later after sharing a couple beers outside with a friend, I walked another mile back home.

After all that, I was completely exhausted--and starving--so I went to Pesos for happy hour and then crashed.

To sum up my weekend (and most days, lately, unfortunately): a significant amount of exercise negated by an even more significant amount of drinks and bar food. Kinda not so bad? (I can sense Kirsten shaking her head "yes." She's the nutritionally sound one of our group! ;) )

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